upcoming LOOK-WHAT-WE-FOUND. 14-16.6.24 ART BASEL POP UP Exhibition, Basel (CH) https://www.instagram.com/lookwhat_wefound/ use your sense of balance – I have taken your last shape Wandobjekt „Use your sense of balance I have taken your last shape“ Graphit auf Papier, 200x100cm Zeichnungen a.d.S. „Use your sense of balance I have taken your last shape“ Graphit/Papier 50x35cm Installation Meisterschülerin Ausstellung „Use your sense of balance I have taken your last shape“ Aluminium, Acrylglas, Graphit auf Papier, 240×320 cm a.d.S „use your sense of balance, I have taken your last shape (eingefasste Landschaft), Graphit auf Fotopapier, Aluminium, 100×100 cm, 2023 a.d.S. „use your sense of balance, I have taken your last shape (frontale Landschaft)“ Graphit/Fotopapier, 60×40 cm , 2023 Zeichnung aus der Serie „Use your sense of balance, I have taken your last shape (Fragmente einer Landschaft) Graphit/ Papier, 45×30 cm, 2023 Wandobjekt aus der Serie „use your sense of balance I have taken your last shape (Leder)“ Graphit/Papier 150x80cm 2023 a.d.S „Use your sense of balance, I have taken your last shape ( fliegendes Leder) Graphit/Fotopapier, 35x50cm 2023 a.d.S „Use your sense of balance, I have taken your last shape (balancierend 1) Graphit/Fotopapier, 35x50cm 2023 a.d.S „Use your sense of balance, I have taken your last shape (Landschaft geflossen hinter Scheibe) Graphit/Fotopapier, 90x90cm 2023 Ausstellungsansicht „use your sense of balance, I have taken your last shape“ im „büro für…“ in Halle, 2023 Ausstellungsansicht „use your sense of balance, I have taken your last shape“ im „büro für…“ in Halle, 2023 „loftier aspirations“ (Edle Bestrebungen) Diplom loftier aspirations landscapes for erasing | Graphit, Pigment auf Papier | 100 x 60 x 8 cm | 2022 © Jana I. Luck exhibition view „loftier aspirations“ Galerie Paul Scherzer ©Jana I. Luck drawing space for now | graphite on paper | 120x190x25 cm | 2022 | ©Jana I. Luck Dyptichon | graphite and pigments on paper | 2022 ©Jana I. Luck horsetail | 2022 ©Jana Isabella Luck exhibition view entering the show ©Jana I. Luck exhibition view of loftier aspirations second flor ©Jana I. Luck loftier aspirations | stainless steel each ring 8 mm | 2022 ©Jana I. Luck